Okay I have to admit, I have a few blog post ideas stored up in the old noggin, but I thought, hey, why not share something that you wrote in high school?
I wrote this piece in my senior year Creative Writing class. For the assignment, we had to write a piece about our own name. I definitely had a lot of fun writing this, so enjoy!
Titled: Eric Robert Decker by uh... Eric... Robert... Decker
You know those cool sounding names you see that famous
people have? Tom Cruise, Kiefer Sutherland, Meryl Steep! These people having
these names… It’s almost like they were meant to be famous! Okay yeah, we all
know that the three of these guys at some point in their lives weren’t famous.
At first, they meant as much to the world as Joe the Plumber did, but then they
all had their big breakthroughs and now anyone who even knows even a little bit
about pop culture would be able to recognize these names. Well for me, my name
right now, Eric Robert Decker, barely means anything to even this high school.
My name
means something to me though. I love my name. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
It’s not too long, not too short, it fits just right. I think even Goldilocks
would agree and hey, she’s famous, right? Over the years, I have asked my
parents numerous times why they named me they way they did in probably the same
fashion Uma Thurman asked her parents how she got her name. So apparently, my
middle name actually was almost my first name. Weird, right? Reminds me of that
kind of weird sensation I got when I saw Kiefer Sutherland in Stand by Me for the first time after watching
three straight seasons of 24.
But really, imagine my face, my personality, anything about me, with the first
name Robert slapped across my chest. My parents eventually did make up their
minds and Robert became my middle name. My parents steered clear of Robert
because my parents didn’t like that the name Robert had so many nicknames;
Robby, Rob, Bobby, Bob, etc. If I had been named Robert, Robby would have been
my top choice of nickname to go by. RAH-BE.
Robert was ultimately put into my name in honor of my maternal grandfather. He
was somewhat famous, so I guess I’ve got that going for me!
So then there’s my first name; not quite up to the
awesomeness of Kiefer or Uma, but I’d say it’s pretty solid. I’m not sure why
my parents chose the name Eric, but I think my parents mentioned once or twice
that they just liked the simplicity of it. I remember when I was little I told
my Mom once or twice that Eric should be spelled with Air in the front, instead
of Er. I’m not sure how she reacted to that, but I think it’s funny that I took
the time to think of that. I wonder what Willow Smith is thinking about her
name right now? The Fresh Prince of Narcissism, anyone?
I’m not sure when it first happened or why it happened, but
however it happened, calling me by my last name, rather than my first name, has
stuck. I wonder if anyone called Tom Cruise by his real last name… “Hey, Mapother! What’s going on, man?”
Nah… doesn’t work for me either. I’m a senior in high
school and it has gotten to the point now where almost all of the guys (and a
handful of girls) at Lake Forest High School call me by my last name. My volleyball
coaches here at the high school even call me Decker! Decker has caught on so
much that a good amount of my friend’s parents call me Decker. Apparently,
Decker, DEHK-ERR, is catchy.
The greatest thing that happens with my name is when people
can’t decide whether or not to call me Eric or Decker. I wonder if Vince Vaughn
ever had any trouble with this. It happens probably about once a week or so…
The person desires to get my attention, but instead of calling me Eric or
Decker, they have a little brain-fart and both names come out at once and they
call me Deric, or Derek; however you want to spell it. They all realize their
blunder the second after it comes out of their mouths and I laugh almost every
single time. Maybe this is what happened to Meryl Streep. After all, her real
name is Mary Louise Streep. Maybe she got sick and tired of people mixing them
up, so she just decided to combine her first and middle names. But really, how
hard is it to pronounce the name Eric Decker correctly? It’s only four
syllables, it’s a relatively common name, c’mon people! Take a look at these
names of some of my friends: Tasos Stavropoulos, Lukasz Sobieraj, or even Reyna
Zascirinskis. Try consistently pronouncing those correctly! I’m friends with
all three of these people and I don’t even know how to!
Overall, names are so unique and are ever-evolving; just
take a look at those names I listed above or even some of the famous people I
mentioned. The great thing about names is that if you were completely unaware
that anyone was famous in this world, each and every name you came across would
have no greater significance than the name before it. It’s when you finally get
to know someone, or in the case with famous people, read about someone, do
their names finally start to stick out to you. The only thing my name means to
this world right now is the fact that Eric Decker is a rookie wide receiver for
the Denver Broncos in the NFL. I want to be an engineer. Engineers don’t really
get the attention from the media that football players get, but maybe someday
it’ll get to the point where the world mixes the football playing Eric Decker
up with the world-saving environmental engineer that I want to be. I’d still be
pretty honored even if someone were to mistake me for being a football player.
I play volleyball right now, about the exact opposite sport when you compare it
to football, but it could happen. Leonardo DiCaprio sure thought people would
mistake him for being way more important than he actually was in Catch Me If You Can. I’m by no
means a con-artist, but it’s still not too late to change career paths, if
that’s what you want to call it. It has potential though. We’ll see.
So as you might have noticed, I'm not really into engineering anymore. I applied into the engineering departments of every college I applied to my senior year. However, just a couple of months before I graduated, I realized just how much I love to write and my passion for journalism, so I decided to switch majors.
Let's just say life is a lot less stressful being a Communications student at Marquette than it is to be an Engineering major.
You also might have noticed that that rookie wide receiver on the Denver Broncos is slowly becoming a household name now. Spike Lee once told Michael Jordan that is must be the sneakers that makes him so good, but for Eric Decker's case, it must be the name, right?
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